Join us Sundays @ 9 AM & 11 AM

Women’s Almost Sleepover

Join all your friends for an evening of fun and fellowship Saturday, February 15th from 6 to 9 pm, as we gather in Haith Hall, wear our favorite PJs, eat yummy snacks, and watch a movie on the big screen. Don’t forget to BYOB - Bring Your Own Blanket!

Learn more and register here.

SALT Lunch & Learn

Join us Sunday, Feb. 16 as Phillip Merrick shares his journey of following Jesus at 55 & Better with our SALT community!

Learn more and register here.

The Alpha Course

Alpha is a 7-week small group experience starting Feb. 13. You can meet new people and explore the Christian faith together and it’s for anyone who’s curious. No judgement, no pressure. Each session unpacks a big question of life, faith, and purpose and is designed to spark conversation. Come along, see what you think.

Do you first want to try out Alpha before "committing" to 7 weeks? We get it! "Try Alpha" is exactly that. A one-time event on February 2nd, from 6-8pm including free dinner. No strings attached!

Learn more and register here.

Young Adults Movie Night

We've got a giant screen. We've got a bunch of friends. We've got a great film. It's a classic good ole fashioned movie on the lawn! But without the lawn... Free of charge!

Learn more and register here.

Men’s Retreat

Join us for an overnight Men’s Retreat at Meadowkirk on February 28. It’s going to be a powerful time of connecting with each other, encouragement through the teaching, and life-giving moments in prayer.

Learn more and register here.

weekly prayer Gatherings

HTC is a house of prayer. We gather in person or online daily to enjoy the presence of God, offer the worship he deserves, and ask for his power to act in our lives, church, community, and nation.

To learn more about how you can join in, visit