Women’s Ministry
is a community for women to connect with God and to each other. HTC’s Women’s Ministry is designed to inspire, empower and engage women in all seasons of life through Bible studies, small groups and gatherings. With any questions about women’s ministry at HTC, please feel free to reach out to michele@htc.us.
monday evening bible study 7 to 9 PM
Join us on Monday evenings beginning January 27th as we study 1 Corinthians 13 and ask the question “What is Love?”
Appetizers and desserts are served at 7 pm, the study begins at 7:30 pm, and we break into small groups at about 8:15 pm.
wednesday morning bible study 9:30 to 11:30 AM
Join us on Wednesday mornings beginning January 29th as we study 1 Corinthians 13 and ask h4e question “What is Love?”
Snacks are served and childcare is provided. Worship begins at 9:45, the teaching begins at 10, and we break into small groups at about 10:30 am.
february “my sister’s place”
“My Sister’s Place” events are held every couple months on the evening of the first Wednesday of the month. It is a time to gather as women and share a meal, worship, and hear from a panel of women from our own church community on topics of interest to women.
The next “My Sister’s Place” will be about the 5 love languages on February 5th from 7 to 9 pm. Please join us for worship, dinner, and a panel discussion on the 5 love languages.
Check out our small groups page here.
JOIN A SMALL GROUP! Check out our small groups page here.